Electronic organs for home use: what are the possibilities?

Electronic organs for home use are the perfect solution for every living room. Compact, relatively cheap and lots of possibilities.

At Mixtuur we sell Hauptwerk organs. These are Electronic organs for home use. Hauptwerk ™ is a powerful software program based on MIDI. In this program sample sets can be loaded from organs that have been sampled. The sound of every aspect of each individual pipe of an organ is recorded. That makes for a lively sound.

Orgel Mixtuur close up

Always wanted to play Bach on a Silbermann organ? Or as Franck on a Cavaillé-Coll organ? Thanks to Hauptwerk it is now possible. In addition to playing, you can easily create your own recordings in CD quality or as a MIDI file. Share your music with friends or family.

Various organs

You can choose from different organs. Touchscreens or pull registers? 2 to 4 manuals? What is the volume of the sound of the home organ? And do you want a standard model or an exclusive custom design? Feel free to have a look at our page with examples of all living room organs.

Electronic … Is that something for whizzkids?

Don’t be scared if you hear the word ‘electronic’. You don’t have to know anything about computers. Playing on an electronic organ feels almost the same as on a normal pipe organ. And believe us: the sound of an electronic organ sounds better than most pipe organs. Certainly in comparison with relative cheap pipe organs in other households or small churches.
