Hauptwerk church organ

Mixtuur has a wide range of classic and modern organs. Mixture organs are based on Hauptwerk technology. Perfect for every church.

Church organs 

A church organ is used to play music in churches. The organ is then used to accompany the choir when they sing hymns and psalms. Churches often have a reverberation that makes it difficult to make the sounds heard in the most beautiful way. The sounds must be clearly audible both at the back and at the front of the church. A church organ equipped with Hauptwerk can be adapted to this, so the melodies come out in a better way.

About Hauptwerk

Hauptwerk is a software especially for organs. The software makes it possible to play virtually on the best organs. This software can be installed on any type of organ, including church organs. The Hauptwerk software is easy to operate using the simplified touchscreen. Many options are available to personalize the organ and get the most out of your organ. In this way you can choose which keyboards and loudspeakers you want to use. 

Church organ with Hauptwerk

Mixtuur’s organs can be equipped with the so-called Hauptwerk technology. Church organs are equipped with professional audio components. The software is based on MIDI software. The organ produces sound replicas of well-known organs. The unique sounds of the organs can hardly be distinguished from the real ones! So you can also create an ultimate experience in the church.

Mixtuur church organs

In addition to concert and living room organs, Mixtuur also offers church organs. Many options are available to personalize the organ and get the most out of your organ. This way you can choose which keyboards, keyboard and speakers you want to use. We develop, build and test our church organs on our own. We only use the best materials for this. This way you can be sure that you are making a sustainable investment and that you are going for real quality!

Our employees can advise you. You can also request our brochure or take a look at our showroom.

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