Want to buy a digital organ? Choose a Hauptwerk organ

A digital organ – also called an electronic organ – can no longer be distinguished from an original pipe organ. This organ is an electronic keyboard instrument, that can simulate the sound of a pipe organ through the Hauptwerk program. 

Hauptwerk is a software program, by which you can load sample sets from world-famous pipe organs. It offers you endless possibilities as to which organ you want to play. Hauptwerk currently offers hundreds of different organs as sample sets. Which means that you can play Bach on a Silbermann just as easy as Beethoven on a Rieger, anything is possible.

Buy a digital organ

A digital organ is suitable for any location: churches, concert halls and living rooms

An electronic organ is very reasonably priced, compared to a classical organ. Also, it takes up much less space. That is why a this organ is very suitable for individuals who would like to play an organ at home. In combination with the Hauptwerk program, you can play the most beautiful pieces of music at home on the most famous organs.

However, a digital organ is just as suitable for concert halls and churches as it is for individuals. In terms of sound, a classical church organ hardly comes close to a large pipe organ in large cathedrals. However, with a digital organ you bring these beautiful organs to your church at an affordable price.

Buy a digital organ from Mixtuur

You are at the right place at Mixtuur, if you are looking for a digital organ. Mixtuur is an official Hauptwerk™-dealer. You can buy standard organs from us to custom-made instruments. Our organs are developed, built and extensively tested in-house.

Because we build our amplifiers and speakers ourselves, an organ from Mixtuur guarantees an optimal sound experience.  Thereby, we can always help you and provide the best service when you need it.

Would you like to know more about Hauptwerk™, or about our organs? Request a brochure or make an appointment and visit our showroom.